Are you looking for accommodation for a few hours? A hotel near the airport or in the city center? Are you passing through and need to rest and disconnect for a bit? Golden Hotel Milano offers you the comfort you are looking for. Choose the time of entry and exit both day and night and pay only for the time you need. Book a room by the hour in packages of 3, 6 or 12 hours in the hotel that best suits your needs and budget. In this way, you will pay the right price only for the hours of stay and you will take advantage of your time. For information and reservations, contact us directly on whatsapp.
Via Carlo Goldoni, 84 - 20129 Milano
Iscr. al Registro delle Imprese di Milano il 18/04/2019 MI-2557294(REA)
Capitale sociale euro 100.000,00 i.v.
P.IVA / C. Fiscale IT10785530964